Belbin’s Team Roles

Based on Belbin’s Team Role Theory:

Our group had a good mix of team roles and strengths and weaknesses. A couple times we ran into problems where we got off task for a little while or where we didn’t quite know what to do next. However, there were some people that expressed different team roles that allowed us to get back on track and complete our goals. As for missing roles, we did not really have a monitor-evaluator. Usually we picked an idea and went with it. This group project had some structure that was required to follow and since we have lives outside of school the time constraints didn’t allow for too much exploring of any options.


Scott (Implementer)- He showed this by charging into action when the spaghetti activity was presented to the class. He immediately knew what to do and the rest of the group followed suit. Also when we were doing some activities that were completely unknown to us he was very good at explaining those things to us.

Reonna (Coordinator)- Acted as the leader by making sure we stayed on task and trying to make sure we completed our goals and everything that we were supposed to do.
Sent out emails to inform the group of things that we all needed to do.

Ankit (Specialist)- He created the initial blog website and chose the delightful background. Basically he provided the template for us all to work on and he worked efficiently at it.

Donovan (Team Worker)- Was always encouraging the team members to have fun and congratulating us all on a job well done and was very people oriented. He was the one that asked for the hat when we required that material for one of our activities.

Alexis (Team Worker)- Also another team worker, was very enthused throughout the team building exercises and never once complained about anything. Made it a good time doing the exercises by being upbeat and engaged.

Working Together

Working Together

In the end, we found that the activities that were the most fun were the ones that had less rules, such as Donovan’s questions in a hat idea. It allowed to tell as little or as much as we liked and that made the whole “game” better. We learned a lot more about each other in this game versus all of the others that were team building but also were not that personable.

Questions in a Hat

Questions in a Hat

Donovan’s activity

This activity was a lot of fun. We each created two questions and put them into a borrowed hat and the hat was shaken to mix the questions around. We went around the circle picking out pieces of paper and every time a question was drawn, the entire group had to answer. Some questions sparked intense debates such as Dragon-ball Z and sports teams, other questions were a little hard such as what was your childhood obsession? Overall it was a  really successful activity.

Planes and Tanks

Planes and Tanks

This activity brought out everyone’s competitive nature. In teams of two, with each person getting one tank (square) and one plane (circle), we used a pencil to determine how far each object would go. Tanks could not  hit the giant rectangles or they would explode but planes could go over and through them. The pencil was held upright onto the paper and pressed down gently enough as to where it would scratch the surface of the paper, creating a line as it fell. Our goal was to destroy the other team by shooting enemy vehicles.   In order to shoot an enemy vehicle, you had to specify you were shooting first, then follow the same process as moving.  If your pencil line hits the enemy vehicle, you blow it up.  As you can see, it got pretty intense. It was a pretty good game that only one of us had played before but we all had fun.

This game worked well as a team building exercise because it allowed us to team up and cooperate with our teammates to attain a goal ( destroy all the enemy vehicles).  It also allowed us to become competitive in a friendly manner, resulting in an interesting experience.  The hands-on nature of the activity set it aside from other activities where we just talked.

drawing game

team activity 1


In this game everyone was split into two teams. Each team would have one person draw an object but could only use simple shapes to do so. The other person in the team had to replicate it based on what the first person told them to draw, but they could not look at the original artist’s paper. The team that had the best copy won that round. It took us a while to get into this one :).

Knot Game

Knot Game


In this game everyone in the group stands in a tight circle. You would grab the left hand of the person in front of or next to you (whichever makes it more complex) with your own left hand, and the right hand of someone next to you with your right hand, resulting in a “human knot”. The goal of the game is to get untangled without breaking hands with anyone, needless to say, it was a very hard game.